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Take The Centennial Pledge

Honor the past and invest in our future with an opportunity to make a transformative gift to The College and leave a lasting legacy.

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Celebrate and Advance Through Your Support

As we approach The College’s centennial celebration, we honor those who have consistently supported us over our first 100 years while positioning ourselves to thrive into a new century of leadership.

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More Information

The Centennial Pledge is an opportunity for individuals whose lives were enriched by The College to make an investment in our future through a five-year annual commitment and/or a new bequest made to The College in the form of a beneficiary designation from a will, trust, insurance policy, or IRA account.

Recognized annual giving levels for the Centennial Pledge include:

  • Platinum: $10,000 (total pledge $50,000)
  • Diamond: $5,000 (total pledge $25,000)
  • Gold: $2,000 (total pledge $10,000)
  • Silver: $1,000 (total pledge $5,000)
  • Bronze: $500 (total pledge $2,500)

Your pledge will support the growth, expansion, and modernization of The College’s academic offerings and programs. You may also choose to designate your pledge to a specific program.

When you make a Centennial Pledge with an annual gift of $1,500 or more, you join The College’s President’s Circle. When you notify The College of your estate gift intention, you become a member of the Legacy Society. All Centennial Pledge donors will be recognized at The College’s annual President’s Dinner and in The College’s Donor Honor Roll.

Upon taking the Centennial Pledge, you’ll be distinguished as a Centennial Pledge ambassador to stand out among your professional peers building a better future. Current ambassadors include:

Paul Vignone, CLU®, ChFC®, JD, LLM
VP of Advanced Markets, Empire Wealth Strategies

Leon Levy, CLU®, RHU®
Founder and Senior Lead Advisor, Leon L. Levy & Associates

Joel Shapiro, MSFS, CLU®, ChFC®
Agent, New York Life Insurance Company

James A. Petersen, PhD, MSM, MSFS, CFP®, CLF®, ChFC®, CLU®, CASL®, RICP®, WMCP®, ChSNC®, CRPC®, CAP®, AEP®
CEO at Diversified Professional Coaching, LLC
Chartered Leadership Fellow® (CLF®) Director, The American College of Financial Services

Kevin E. Baldwin, CLU®, ChFC®, CAP®
Managing Partner, B&L Financial Architects

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Share Your Story

We hear from many designation and degree holders about The College's positive impact on their careers and lives. Tell us yours and see how you can become part of the change we're building.

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Take the Centennial Pledge

Honor the Past. Invest in Our Future.

Based upon the deep history, loyalty, and camaraderie of The College's alumni and designee holders and with a focus on our future, we're powering the Centennial Pledge initiative. Make your gift today and leave a legacy with us.

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