Retirement Readiness Experience
Build a Confident Retirement Plan
The Retirement Course™ is designed to enhance pre- and current retirees’ knowledge and confidence across many essential topics such as Social Security, health care, income planning, finding meaning in retirement, and more.

Program at a Glance
Admissions Requirements
There are no prerequisite courses or admissions requirements to enroll in The Retirement CourseTM. If you’re in or nearing retirement and would like to build a safe, secure, satisfying retirement, you’ve come to the right place!

Cost to You
Free! This course is designed to provide broad, actionable retirement education to everyone planning for a successful retirement or navigating issues while currently in retirement.

What You'll Learn
The course is divided into 14 modules, covering a range of retirement topics, such as:
- Retirement psychology and finding purpose
- Income sourcing and distribution sequencing
- Long-term care, health insurance, and Medicare considerations
- Legacy planning
Each module is designed for completion in about 30 minutes or less.

Course Delivery
Fully self-paced, unscheduled online delivery. Learn on a timetable that makes sense for you. Each of the 14 modules includes a mix of video content, handouts, text, and interactive elements to engage learners and facilitate knowledge retention.
These modules are grouped into four badges, each representing a key aspect of retirement planning. Each module stands on its own, so you can take whichever you want, in whatever order you want.

Why Enroll in The Retirement CourseTM?
Americans are turning 65 every day — most without training in designing a successful retirement.1
Average score on Retirement Income Literacy Quiz indicates a real need to fill the education gap.2
As many people will live to age 100 in the US over the next 30 years — bringing longevity issues top of mind.3
The Retirement CourseTM is Right for You If:
1 U.S. Census Bureau. 2020.
2 2023 Retirement Income Literacy Study. The American College of Financial Services. 2024.
3 Pew Research Center Analysis of US Census Bureau Data. 2020.