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Marketing Creatively in Financial Services with Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams of CreativeOne discusses how women have unique branding and marketing opportunities in financial services today.

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Practice Management Podcasts

March 30, 2022

Sarah Williams, Vice President of Marketing Communications at CreativeOne, joins our Women Working in Wealth Podcast for a discussion of what financial professionals and firms, and especially women, can accomplish through branding, Demand Generation, social media, and other creative ventures.

Sarah Williams is a marketing professional with more than 20 years of experience in sales, marketing, advertising, and public relations. As CreativeOne’s chief ambassador, she communicates how marketing and practice management can help agents and advisors expand their practices. She became a member of the Women in Insurance and Financial Services (WIFS) national network in 2016 and currently serves as its National Education Director. In addition, she founded CreativeOne’s women-only networking group, Creative Women, which creates a space in a male-dominated industry for women to collaborate, network and share ideas. She was also accepted into the Central Exchange Year-Long Leadership Development Program, designed to accelerate the careers of women.

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