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NextGen in 10: Compassion (& Honesty) Is the Best Policy

How advisors can better communicate their value to clients.

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Practice Management Podcasts

November 10, 2020

Advisors can find it challenging to justify their fees when the conversation focuses solely on portfolio management. But the client's perspective changes when they understand the long-term benefits of sound advice.

In this episode of our NextGen in 10 podcast, host Clarisa Hernandez, CFP®, ChFC® speaks with Jeff Landt, CFA, CFP® about practical ways advisors can better communicate their value to clients to strengthen the relationship and help them avoid costly pitfalls.

Jeff Landt, CFA, CFP® is a senior vice president and the chief investment officer for North Star Resource Group. His primary area of expertise is the investment management process. He assists the firm’s associates with portfolio strategies, portfolio construction and the best practices of portfolio management. In addition to acting as the chief investment officer, he is also a practicing associate with North Star Resource Group, specializing in retirement distribution strategies and wealth management.

Any views or opinions expressed in this podcast are the hosts’ and guests' own and do not necessarily represent those of The American College of Financial Services.

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