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An Update on Social Security: Law, Funding, and the Future

Our thought leaders discuss the Social Security system and the implications of its future on retirement income planning.

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Retirement Planning On-Demand Webcasts

March 24, 2025

Join this webcast presented by our thought leaders and industry experts as they provide an update on Social Security.

The US Capitol building at sunset

It’s important advisors stay current on Social Security, especially during periods of change. During this engaging discussion, our thought leaders lead an informative discussion of the current state of Social Security and evaluate the impact of recent and prospective changes on retirement income planning.

The webcast provides an overall update on Social Security today before delving into specific topics regarding the subject, such as the new Social Security Fairness Act, the repeal of the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO), the funding crisis for the Social Security Trust Fund and possible legislative solutions, and more.

Viewers will come away from this webcast with the knowledge to better serve their clients’ retirement income planning needs.

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