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2020 President's Report: Shining Our Light in a Year of Darkness

Introducing the 2020 President's Report.

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George Nichols III


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From The President Insights

March 03, 2021

In putting together the 2020 President’s Report, The American College of Financial Services' writers, designers, and editors crafted a theme that perfectly encapsulates the year just past. Because of our students, alumni, donors, volunteers, Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, and leadership, The American College of Financial Services shined our light in a year of darkness.


As I wrote in my President’s Report letter to The College community, “Over the last 11 months, we have all had moments of absolute exhaustion. We have not moved much, yet in many ways we have never moved more – wearing many hats of responsibility, even if we were wearing the same pants. In those times of fatigue, we have all sought refuge in peace whether that was in a good book, some soothing music, perhaps a roaring fire, or even the serenity of the stars. Spending some time with the sky is both astrological and spiritual – it is an open invitation to hold conversations with higher powers or marvel at the constellations that canopy our world. Stars cannot visibly shine without darkness – the darker the night, the brighter the sky. I believe this is symbolic of our journey through one of the darkest years in our nation’s history.”

The 2020 President’s Report also weaved a tale that celebrated our history, while continuing to make it. As a 93-year-old institution, The College has a rich story to share of the visionaries who helped shape The College today, and the bold vision we have for an even bigger, brighter future.

There are also several stories of significant expansion – whether it’s a greater focus on philanthropy through programming and scholarship, fresh faces helping The College enhance the student experience, or a new Center of Excellence to create sustainable, economic justice for underserved communities across America. The College will always align our work to a clear mission to deliver applied financial knowledge and education, but our reach must go beyond financial advisors to include public accountants, estate planning attorneys, for- and nonprofit executives, and consumers. Financial knowledge is an empowering tool that can have such an effervescent, halo effect when not restricted to one audience.

The College is about benefiting society – and this President’s Report is a good illustration of how we continue to re-imagine our path to success, even in the middle of a once-in-a-century pandemic. We want to engage on the conversations of the day, giving meaning to financial markets and the issues that matter.

Go here to experience our stories, watch a message from The College’s executive leadership, and download the full issue.

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