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Inspiration and Impact at the 2023 Leadership Symposium

2023 Center for Military and Veterans Affairs Leadership Symposium panel & lecture speaker deliver important messages

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September 25, 2023

Financial industry leaders, scholars of The College, and College staff and faculty joined an audience for the 2023 Leadership Symposium where they heard from a panel of distinguished leaders on the topics of “Bridging the Gap in an Ever-Changing World” and from Colonel Nicole M. E. Malachowski (USAF, Ret.) as she discussed “Harnessing Headwinds: Successfully Navigating Change & Adversity.”

2023 Leadership Symposium Panel


The Leadership Symposium and its panel of keynote speakers was made up of knowledgeable leaders from various backgrounds in academics, finance, and the military. The panel included Glenn Gonzales, USAF (Vet.) CEO and Founder of Jet It, Chia-Li Chien, PhD, CFP®, PMP®, CPBC Associate Provost, Graduate Programs at The American College of Financial Services, and Major General Everett Thomas, USAF (Ret.) PhD, Vice President of Mission Solutions Defense & Space Security at Lockheed Martin. It was moderated by Kevin Crawford, USA (Vet.) Vice President of Field Learning & Development at Northwestern Mutual and Center for Military and Veterans Affairs advisory council member.

Crawford directed the panel of speakers in a thoughtful discussion on adaptation of leadership styles to workforce changes pre- and post-COVID-19. Each panel member discussed their various leadership styles, as well as how they changed their styles from in-person to online management and training. All panel members gave keen insights into how to adapt and change during times of stress and difficult economic conditions through both failures and success.

After the Leadership Symposium panel discussion, attendees were treated to a vibrant presentation from Colonel Nicole M. E. Malachowski (USAF, Ret.) as she discussed her theme of “Harnessing Headwinds: Successfully Navigating Change & Adversity."

A 2019 National Women's Hall of Fame inductee and recent Presidential appointee, Colonel Malachowski has over 21 years of experience as an officer, leader, and fighter pilot in the United States Air Force. Upon her commission into the military, she was competitively selected to fly combat aircraft and embarked on an adventure among the first group of women to fly modern fighter aircraft. She has had the honor of commanding a fighter squadron, flying as a USAF Thunderbird pilot, serving as a White House Fellow and as an advisor to the First Lady of the United States.

Malachowski kept the audience captivated through highly entertaining anecdotes of her time in the military as a female and her challenging journey to become one of the first female fighter pilots, as well as the first USAF Thunderbird pilot. She imparted impactful pearls of wisdom on overcoming adversity and self-doubt while following your dreams.

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