[CB3] DEPRECATED - Tertiary Banner

Information Sharing Policy

The College may provide a student's personal information to the following third-party entities:

Current Employers or Affiliated Organization: The College may provide student data including grades and academic progress to the student's employer/affiliated organization of record for reimbursement, payment, or informational purposes such as designation status for business cards.

CFP® Board of Standards: For the purpose of facilitating student registration for the CFP® Certification Examination, The Registrar's Office will send to the CFP® Board a weekly report listing American College students who have successfully completed The College's CFP® Certification Curriculum during the previous month. The report will include student name, e-mail address, last four digits of student's social security number and date of completion.

Any organization or person authorized by the individual to receive the information.

Any authorized legal or governing body or representative or circumstance where The College is compelled to comply with the release of personal information

Any other individual or entity as permitted by law where deemed to be necessary for the reasonable conduct of College business


If a student prefers not to have any of their personal information shared with any other third party, including those listed above, they must submit their request in writing to Registrar@theamericancollege.edu.  Please be aware that this may affect reimbursement or recognition policies of certain employers, and opting out of communication from The College will not apply to academic or billing purposes