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The Center for Philanthropy and Social Impact

Our Work in this Moment of Need

Financial professional giving philanthropy advice

The American College Center for Philanthropy and Social Impact fosters an open and inclusive space for advisors and donors to engage in social impact.

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Make an Impact

Become a Philanthropic Planning Expert

The Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy® (CAP®) Program equips financial professionals with the expertise to help clients achieve their charitable giving goals while optimizing tax benefits and creating lasting legacies.

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Middle aged man speaking with an advisor
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Our Niche in This Moment of Need

Hand holding a torch

Lead From Success to Significance

We provide advisors with the tools and knowledge to lead philanthropic conversations.

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Deliver Industry-Leading Service

Provide integrated philanthropic planning services to your clients as a Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy® (CAP®).

Discover the Program
A hand holding a plant

Support the Center

Make a difference for the financial advisors and philanthropic professionals who count on the Center, with research, programs, and events focused on philanthropic advising.

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Resources to Drive Impact

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Meet Our Donors

National Strategic Philanthropic Partners

National Philanthropic Partners