This course introduces students to the application of insurance planning and risk management in personal financial planning. It is designed to provide students with an understanding of the concepts of identification of risk exposure, legal aspects of insurance, property and liability policy analysis, life insurance policy analysis, health insurance policy analysis, employee benefits, social insurance, insurance regulation, and principles of insurance taxation. Topics include career issues; contractual and agency legal issues; insurance distribution systems (including Internet); evaluating insurers; personal risk assessment; risk strategies; alternative risk transfer approaches; life insurance programming and product analysis; key-person insurance; business continuation applications; life insurance use in income & estate tax planning; applicability of other insurance products (e.g., health, disability, general liability, property and casualty); HMOs, group insurance plans; workers compensation; relevant aspects of social security; negligence issues; errors & omissions policies; & professional ethics. 000384 MSFP MSFPP Single Course 5 1.00 Financial Planning Master's Degree Program Advanced Career Professional No No 0003843 0