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The Future Client is Female

How to address the needs of this large market.

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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Insights

January 01, 2020

Today, women are working more, earning more, owning more, learning more and making more financial decisions than men.

By all measures, they are an attractive market. Yet they are under-represented as advisors, and the mostly male profession has largely focused its attention on male clients; even among married clients. 

To date, wealth managers and advisory firms have been slow to respond to the demographic and social changes that are transforming the market for financial advice and many are missing the significant market opportunity that women represent. 

While women essentially need the same services as men, they do have some specific preferences and needs that firms have, so far gone unmet. Some leading firms have realized the opportunity, and are changing how they approach women as clients. Firms can learn about the changing trends in this important market segment, and how best to realize the opportunity.

Read the full report now.

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