Smart Social Security Strategies for Women
Sophia Duffy examines how women can best plan to claim their retirement benefits.

Sophia Duffy
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View DetailsAugust 10, 2023
While many women plan to claim Social Security retirement benefits, they may not know about how various factors could impact their monthly payment.

More women are working than ever before, but their average benefits are lower than those for men because women typically earn less over their lifetime. In addition, falling marriage rates mean fewer women are in a position to claim spouse’s and survivor benefits.
Here are some important points for women to consider when planning to apply for Social Security benefits:
Claiming Benefits
Benefits can be reduced by up to 30% if you claim as soon as you are eligible, before your full retirement age. If you have other income sources you can use after retirement, such as a 401(k) or IRA, you can delay claiming your Social Security benefits. This delay will result in increased monthly benefits when you do begin receiving them. The increased monthly amount can have a positive impact on your financial security because you will receive a greater amount for the rest of your life.
Your Health
Delaying your claiming age makes sense if you are in good health. If you are in poor health, it may make sense to claim earlier.
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Designations From Foundation to Specialization
View DetailsNavigating Social Security Fairness With Clients
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