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The Center for Special Needs

Caring, Compassion, Community.

Elderly couple discussing needs with an advisor

The American College Center for Special Needs is committed to elevating the special needs planning knowledge of financial professionals and the public.

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Upcoming Event

2024 Advanced Special Needs Planning Symposium

Join us in Phoenix, AZ this November for a one-of-a-kind event delivering advanced learning on special needs planning for those working with individuals with special needs and caregivers.

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Resilient Finances

A Free Financial Education Program

Those impacted by paralyzing injuries or conditions and their caregivers need to regain their financial security. Empower yourself and your clients with powerful and practical knowledge – absolutely free.

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Special needs male registering for the consumer course online
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Four Strategies for Financial Stability

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Focus on Your Key Priorities

Families and caregivers must prioritize emergency savings, retirement, and future care needs.

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Consider Insurance in Your Plan

Families should be familiar with insurance products that complement their planning needs.

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Access and Maximize Benefits

Caregivers must be guided on how to access the public benefits available for the individual with special needs.

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Enlist an Experienced Advisor

Find a financial professional who's a ChSNC®, the only designation ensuring comprehensive knowledge in special needs planning.

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